Above - The view north from Corby Crag Woods. Click on any image for a bigger one.

Above - The track into the wood with flashy interpretation board. The info on it is not strictly correct. One of the tracks we tried to find to the small pool was now missing due to logging operations last winter... The track edges were covered in drifts of Selfheal, Tormentil, Foxgloves, Crossleaved Heath and many different small sedges and rushes ( they're beyond me?)

Above from the left - Meadow Brown, Ringlet and Large Skipper butterflies could be seen.

Above - This fungi looked like a brown version of the familiar fly agaric. I checked my book at home and think it is called The Panther. It is very poisonous and can be fatal.

Above - Large numbers of Common Spotted Orchid were in bloom and made a great show backed by the short darker blue of the Selfheal.

Above - The River Breamish near Ingram, banks covered in Meadow Sweet and Meadow Cranesbill.

Above- I was well impressed by the visitor centre at Ingram. Very modern and 'interactive'. This wall carving was just inside the doorway.

Above - Monkey Flower Mimulus sp, Forget me Nots and Meadow Sweet along the small stream near the Information Centre.

Above - Marsh Woundwort and Meadow Cranesbill.
Excellent post there Stewart. I saw some Marsh Woundwort this morning, but forgot to take a pic.
Lovely pictures, the fungi is beautiful.
butterflies everywhere, in good numbers it seems.
Fantastic wood carving, i will have to have a look, been a while since i was up that way.
Better that the butterflies down here.... managed to get a very worn ringlet yesterday and that was about it. Wind and rain seem to be stopping all flying in the warm south.
Hi BB,
That fungi is a Panther, I found one earlier in the year,(got it ID'd) on my blog, as I know little of fungi ! Yep it is very poisonous.
Dean - I see you have a Panther too..
OC/ ST - Thanks.
BR - I look at those southern blogs with envy. The last Marbled Whites I had were in Hungary!
WB - I better not get them for a fry up then... :(
Loadsa ringlets up the harthope yesterday - most I've seen there...nice pics
BTW one of our rights of way officers had an osprey from Corby crags on Friday...returning bird...autumn is upon us!
That's an impressive wood carving; what a shame that it's got so many utilitarian bits and pieces around it!
Not too many butterflies around my area - which is a shame!
Enjoying reading your blog - will be back later to catch up a bit :)
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