Monday, October 14, 2024

East Anglia Hols part 2.

 Walberswick, Suffolk.

We packed up at Salthouse and drove the 63 miles south through broadland to our Suffolk destination. Walberswick is always a favourite when we are here, but we've not stayed in the village before. Our house for the week was just about opposite the Anchor Pub, very handy.

Above - Thats us to the left of the large blue grey house .


A wander around the village and harbour in the afternoon had 2 High flying Bearded Tits over the allotments, a late Common Sandpiper and a Kingfisher sitting in the roosting Herring Gulls on the edge of the harbour piles.

Sunday 29th September - 

We had a few hours at the Aldeburgh Food Festival at Snape Maltings today. Very nice...

Not much of note seen other than yesterdays Kingfisher still with the gulls, 1 Little Egret and a lot of Dunnocks ...

See those Gulls, theres a Kingfisher with them!

Monday 30th September

A storm today, SSE 6 blustery with rain fair with some sun after 3pm. Despite the weather looking like it might ground some migrants there was absolutely nothing, not even a chiffchaff. 

Tuesday 1st October

Peggy's birthday today, she is 11.

Weather still shocking. Wet, drizzle, SW4, dark. Rain did not stop for a minute during daylight hours. We've never seen this in sunny Suffolk!

A Snipe in-off plus a female Pintail over the marshes summed it up.

Wednesday 2nd October

A bit better today though not much. NE3 Cloudy, some drier spells but odd heavy showers.

We walked down to the beach and back to the village to the bridle path to Southwold.

A few Siskins flew S, 35+ Dark bellied Brent Geese, 3 Turnstone, 2 Great White Egret, Bearded Tits heard, Cetti's likewise, 100+ Barnacle Geese, feral birds, 2 Swallows.

In better weather we had a look around Southwold. Hopefully  it will improve tomorrow.

Thursday 3rd October.

Wind has dropped to a light NE2, Getting brighter as the day went on.

7am walked Peggy to the beach. A Muntjac was in the allotments, 400+ Barnacle Geese flew N low overhead.

Todays visit was down to Aldeburgh. Rain had stopped and the sun shone. A bit of a shop and some chips on the beach followed by a walk on the beach just south of Thorpeness. We then went on to Sizewell where the new power station works have begun.

Sizewell, at the N end of the dunes, a lovely fresh shiny female Adder was basking right out in the open.

At the outfall were 2 ad Little Gulls, and a fw Mediterranean Gull plus Common Tern.

In the car park, Hairy Shieldbug, Common Darters and a few Southern Hawkers were seen.

Hairy Shieldbug 

Friday 4th October

A fine sunny day finally. While up north is getting lots of rare and scarce birds there is still nothing at Walberswick. Before lunch we walked down to the beach and around the marshes.

24+ Bearded Tits were seen nicely, 4 Swallows flew S and a nice Slow Worm was found crossing a path in the reeds.

Slow Worm in the hand...

We were heading to Southwold this afternoon but a tip off from a local lady directed us to Southwold Church Yard where a Pallas's Warbler had been found. There was no sign when we arrived so we went shopping for an hour returning later.  Soon after we got back someone located the bird and about 8 of us had good views as it fed in and out of thick trees and shrubs. It was chased at one point by a Yellow browed Warbler and a Pied Fly was also showing well. Others had seen a Firecrest but we could only find half a dozen Goldcrests. Still, my earliest ever Pallas's Warbler is a great way to end our holiday.

Norfolk and Suffolk, its been a blast! Back soon...

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