That title is not strictly true. The mini flash-puddle now deemed the obs 'wader scrape' by me (what an imagination) is actually 30 mtrs over the garden wall in the back field, but it is very visible from the kitchen and bathroom windows and the drive. The new flooded area measures around 30 mtrs long and 10 mtrs wide.
Remember the mega Dunlin before Christmas? Well, today another four wader species have used it. This is excellent because if it manages to retain water until say, late April, there might be a chance of migrants taking advantage. The problem is, it is so close to ours and our neighbour's houses that when anyone steps outside or delivers something that's the pond cleared but some of today's birds returned and are showing some tolerance. When the mornings get lighter it might pay to have a first thing glance each day before anyone has a chance to disturb it.
I am thinking big*, with the likes of Wood and Green Sand, Little Ringed Plover or even (swoon) Temminck's Stint. Lynemouth flash has had 2 Citrine Wagtails and its not much different to this so who knows what could happen. This clarty plough is my oyster(catcher).
The obs Wader Scrape. |
Curlew, one of five. |
Redshank |
Snipe |
Elsewhere around the doors, 6 Redwings were feeding in Rectory paddock usually a sign of poor weather inland, while 18 Teal and 2 Tufted Duck were on the main pond.
Its amazing how many common birds can be missed in a small area. I've had 60 species here so far this year but another 44 are possible and have been recorded in January in previous years with 29 of those being common or regular species here. Where are they all?
*by April this will be a damp patch covered in long grass, rush and oilseed rape. A White Stork might be visible.
I'm thinking a gaggle of Glossy Ibis and a few Water Pipits, though I fully expect a Northern Waterthrush or an exhausted White-chinned Petrel will drop in at some point, seeing how the birding gods smile over Northumberland. Also, I'm liking the cat on the wall!
That might just be too much for me ... ;)Aye the cat is a good feature I have a photo with a tree spug on its head somewhere....
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