A trip west into Upper Coquetdale where the ancient woodland of Yardhope was our destination on Sunday morning. We dont have much woodland in North Northumberland other than massive pine plantations, so this is always a place I look forward to visiting.
Before we left, down at Alnwick, the roadside near the pastures was full of dandelion clocks and the brightest Red Campion ever. This resulted in a short stop. Sometimes the commonplace, are just as nice as those rarities we chase after so keenly...
Up at Yardhope we had
6+ Redstarts, 1 Pied Flycatcher, 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 2+ Tree Pipits, 2 Garden Warblers and 60+ Crossbills. A Roe Buck came close but was off too quickly for my camera though John might have done well. A Cuckoo called and a Buzzard flew over but there was little else of note, but not to worry, its just being out here in the wilds that makes the day...
Above - Yardhope Oaks. The lime green grassy patch was a wet spring in the forest. It really was that illuminous! |
Redstarts always remain quite distant and flighty. |
Tree Pipit displaying from song perch. |
Common Cow-wheat. Not common at all. |
Looks a canny place for a moth trap?
Certainly Mark though a little awkward to get to . A few sessions across a year would no doubt turn up some decent county records..
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