News on the pager tonight is of a juvenile Frigatebird sp flew SW over Huddersfield early this morning...Where has that gone? It might be in SW Yorkshire somewhere...Dean, over to you ;)
Alternatively it could have been in the same category as multiple Eleonoras Falcons ( Hobbyperegrines), Rubythroat ( Bluethroat), Eastern Olivaceous Warbler (Barred Warbler) Oriental Turtle Dove (Turtle Dove) and many more stringy megas this year.
It is getting worse isn't it.
Oh I hear too that a recently found dead Black Guillemot in Scotland has been stuffed and flogged on eBay to one of our local birders, except its not a a black Guille, its a Long billed Murrelet!!! Second record or Hastings part II?
Right - Juv Magnificent Frigatebird over somewhere substantially warmer than Huddersfield. Image from Net...
Didn`t know anything about it till now, Stewart.
I`m SE (i think) of Huddersfield, so i can`t possibly comment.
naaaa! someone mistook a red kite!
Every day brings another mega, Petrels in the Severn this morning.
That's quite a bird to see, Stewart.
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