Down at the Spar this morning this Early Grey was 'roosting' by the entrance. I relocated it to a more camouflaged position on a dead log. According to Parrack and Dunn this is a scarce moth this far north, though their information is dated now. If anyone can enlighten me on its status please leave a comment.
Up until now spring migrants have been few and far between for me but on the way home tonight that all changed. At the Lesbury Bridge a flock of hirundines took me by suprise, so I pulled over to check them out. There were 25+ Sand Martins and an early Swallow (this far north) feeding low over the bridge probably dropped down by the cool breeze and low cloud. Its nice to see them back.
TAC had two swallows outside his house on Saturday...
Not sure about the status of it in Northumberland, Stewart, but i do know it`s found as far north as the Hebrides.
I asked KWR about Early Grey distribution, and he thinks they are commoner than previously thought, as people are catching moths earlier and therefore catching more of them!
Thanks for the info on the moth Ian and Dean.
Early Swallows will have been feeeding on the Alnmouth sewage works nearby...
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