Saturday, February 07, 2009

By it was bleak today. Down at the house at 9 in the teeth of a NW wind with snow and sleet squalls just adding to the ambience. It was truly smashing, balanced on a 'heath robinson' scaffold, passing wet slates up to my mates ( to whome I'm forever in their debt) while they repaired the boiler house roof.

As hypothermia set in, a flock of 70+ Redwings pitched into the copse next to our garden, and we heard that a Barn Owl had been hunting at first light this morning, in view from our new kitchen window. I'm going to like it here. When its finished that is...

This afternoon I took Bunty down to Boulmer where a flock of 26 Bar tailed Godwits on the beach was a good count here, alongside 45 or so Redshanks...

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