This was the sight that greeted me as I looked out of our kitchen window first thing this morning. The tense, staring golden eye of a young female Sparrowhawk breakfasting on one of our Collared Doves. She sat there for half an hour or more before flying off. A plucked Collared Dove makes quite a mess of the yard. It looked like a burst duvet when I went out...
Down at Boulmer 20 Skylarks flew S at the south end near the golf course bends.
Weird coincedence BB, just mentioned that while no carnage here, a Sparrowhawk is about and the C Doves are in it's firing line. Nature in the raw. BR
I`ve only ever witnessed 1 kill in my garden in 10 years of living here. Can`t wait for a repeat performance, there`s plenty of Collys & Starlings to go at.
Cracking Pictures, i just love Spars. Cain (holywellbirder)
Magnificent birds. Had a couple of visits last week and one was a huge female. Both got away without a meal though.
She's one beautiful bird. Great shots.
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