What a quiet week. Very little birding this weekend hence no photos due to other commitments. I was struggling what to add, but didn't want to let the trail go cold.
I have just checked my emails and AG pointed me to some recent comments on the Bird Forum about the Linton Lesser Scaups. On reading I see that opinions across the globe tell me that in fact what we were watching was a Greater Scaup or a hybrid.
Now its quite easy to say that when looking at my photos in the comfort of home, but none of the dissenters actually came within several hundred miles of the birds. So I felt the need to respond. ( See bird forum 'Are these really Lesser Scaup? [ you're darn tootin' they are]).
There is not much I can say really about them except that they were found by two excellent birders with a proven track record in identifying self found vagrants ( Wilson's Phalarope and Red necked Stint) and then observed by others with a lot of birding experience. To be honest, the male was a bit confusing at first, but that was only because he was in diving display mode for 99% of the time. When studied, he was a classic drake Lesser. To show you how confident I am, just wait until the next BBRC report, you'll see whether they are Lessers or not!
To be safe, here is the compilation picture edited by Dick Filby on the RBA site...
Not much on the patch this week other than a couple of Yellow Wagtails and two Goosanders, possibly the first of the regular moulting flock here.
Didnt know ought about this discontent but ive just had a look-see. I think you put them straight buddy. By the way cheers for your description of Graeme and my birding skills, most flattering, I'll have to buy you a bag of chips next time I see you at Amble chippy !
Cheers Les but I could do without, I need to lose a stone ( or two)...
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