Male Lesser Scaup showing dark rear end of mantle where grey turns black giving a whole blackish rear, not just under tail.

The pair of Lesser Scaup, the female showing the classic head shape and face pattern.

Female Lesser Scaup. See greyish edges to mantle feathers and obvious neck ring.

A better view of the true head shape of the male.

A view of the diagnostic wing bar pattern. White on secondaries, greyish buff on primaries.

Another view of the male head shape.

Profile of the male.

Finally the black bill tip restricted to the nail only.
This afternoon GB and LR found this pair of Lesser Scaups at Linton Pond. After a bit of a purple patch at Linton, these two are the icing on the cake ( the ducks, not Graeme and Les!). There has only been one previous record of the nearctic duck in Northumberland, on Bothal Pond on 1st May 1999. I think they must be overlooked as there are a good few reported annually throughout the UK, the best time to look for them being Feb - May. Pity some of the lads are away on a bird club outing to Norfolk eh!
Also of note here, 1 male Ruddy Duck complete with sky blue beak and a single Little ringed Plover. Funny I didn't see it after the fox had his snack...
This is a greatly informative post.
DID you add the ton of wallpaper paste as requested, to make them stick around, just till i get there.
Beautiful series of photos! I'll be referring birders here to learn a bit more about scaup identification.
Cheers Rick.
ST, They were back at Linton at 7.15pm on Monday...
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