With the weather mild and overcast with a light SE breeze, we got on to Holy Island at 07.45 before the tide covered the causeway. As it happens, I dont think it was ever covered as the tides were very small. Anyway, the tide predictions seemed to keep most visitors away for a while, leaving all the goodies to just a few birders.
Of note were -
Barred Warbler 1 juv showed well in a sycamore behind the school.
Red breasted Flycatcher 1 juv perched on wires behind the Captains Garden.
Yellow browed Warbler 2 flickering around the willows and sycamores along the main road to the village.
Chiffchaff 2+
Brambling 6+
Reed Bunting Huge numbers, maybe 150+, could be more scattered around. The largest concentrations being at the Chare Ends.
Hen Harrier 1 female hunting dunes.
Jack Snipe 1 flushed from pathside near excavations.
Lapland Bunting 1 calling over head at the end of the Straight Lonnen.
Blackcap 1 male on the Straight Lonnen.
Great Grey Shrike 1 fw seen briefly at the Snook, perched on top of a small bush.
Ring Ouzel 1 at the Snook.
Merlin 1
Peregrine 1.
Swallow 1
Redwing several thousand arriving with Song Thrushes and Blackbirds.
On the way off the island we stopped for seconds of the
Roller still in the same hawthorns as last week. When standing here chatting to Richard, a message came on the pager to say that an
American Golden Plover was on the flats off the Chare Ends with 800 Golden Plover. We did a quick about turn and joined about 20 birders gazing at the Golden Plover flock. The bird was soon relocated but just before the Merlin put everything up. It was a smaller greyer bird but the closer features could not be seen before the whole lot zoomed off towards the horizon.
So, an excellent day all round and Holy Island in classic form. I dont recall seeing as many birders here at one time. What would I give to see some of that lot at Boulmer.