Hello all. We're back now after a lovely sunny week in the far south west of Cornwall. Drove back yesterday setting off from St Ives at 10.10am getting back home at 9.10pm 516 miles later including two 20 minute stops...
Not much birding due to the summery weather but I hear that its all been kicking off along the east coast. Not to worry, we had a great week...
Above - Our holiday home in St Ives...
Above - St Ives is a nice cosmopolitan place full of artists, surfers and restaurants...
Above - ... and lots of small alleyways waiting to be explored.
Above - St Ives 'island' the famous seawatching spot. Not this week...
Above - the harbour in the evening...
Above - This
Firecrest appeared in an apple tree in our garden as I was writing my notes. Another two or three were seen at Porthgwarra later in the week...
We took a trip down to the Lizard, the most southerly point in the mainland UK.
Above - Lizard Point and lighthouse...
Above - Church Cove, scenic eh...
Above - We did a coastal walk around the point stopping off for a drink in the gardens of the Housel Bay Hotel overlooking the cliffs and sea...
Above - ...and checked out Mullion Cove...
Above - Butterflies were on the wing throughout our stay with Small Copper, Comma, Common Blue, Speckled Wood, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell and Large Whites...
Above - This
Hobby soared overhead at the Lizard whilst another was seen at Porthgwarra...
Above - A couple of fishing attempts got me this 'fish tick' -
Ballan Wrasse.
Corkwing Wrasse. What d'you mean, you don't have a fish list....
I haven't been to the Scillies before. Day trips on the Scillionian III were too good an opportunity to miss...
Above - Penzance Harbour.
Jane and Bunts aboard...
A Salty sea dog, er, and Bunty....
Above - First winter Med Gull...
Above - Hugh Town Harbour, St Mary's Isles of Scilly 28 miles SW of Lands End...
Above - The Scillonian at berth in the harbour...
I managed to catch up with the
Hudsonian Whimbrel at Porthloo beach while I was here but no photo's because I didn't take my scope. A distinctive bird in flight looking like a cross between a Woodcock and a Golden Plover, all over buffy with no white rump.
On the return I found a nice
Grey Phalarope alongside the boat and had my second fish tick of the week when two
Basking Sharks had every one running to see from the starboard side...
Above - And a good way to end with this sunset over Lands End...
Holidays over now until next year....