Well, I might be getting carried away, but Little Grebe is still a good bird at Boulmer. This one is only my second here, but I can't see it staying too long, its chosen spot, the mere, was a five a side pitch in August so fish are thin on the ground. 30 Mallard and 7 Teal were also here but the ruff and godwit have moved on.
After yesterdays Honey Buzzard movement I thought I would stick to the patch in the hope I would add one to the list, but it was not to be.
A few of last week's migrants are lingering -

Redstart (above) 3
Spotted Fly 2
Willow Warbler 5
Goldcrest 2
Whinchat 5
Whitethroat 1
A trickle of birds moved south over head, noted on my raptor quest -
Meadow Pipit 52
Skylark 3
Redpoll a flock of 14
Grey Wagtail 2
Swift 1 a very late bird with House Martins.
A small arrival of 5 Song Thrushes included 2 birds high 'in-off', 40 Wigeon flew S and 20 N, coveys of 8, 9 and 6 Grey Partridges flushed from stubbles...
And thats about it really. Not bad I suppose...
128. Little Grebe
129. Redpoll sp.
Remember the panic last year when red-legged partridge turned up on the patch. Grown men of some status rolling around a if a Alpine Accentor had turned up.
you gotta love patch birding.
yep patch watching is the best as even run of the mill birds are megas
patch watching is brilliant a mega could be anything depending on suitable habitat on the patch thanks to freak weather and global warming you got your little grebe
ps are you still looking for a coot
Oh yes Chris Coot would be one to twitch.
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