A tiny scrap of feather in the hand making a Willow Warbler seem bulky in comparison, the bird looked to be in good condition and was carrying a good bit of body fat, indicating good feeding here since its arrival last weekend.
After the obligatory paparazzi shots the little russian was given its freedom into the sheltered cover near the tin Church.
My 4th Greenish in Northumberland ( second one in the hand, yes I know thats cheating..)I'm always glad to catch up with one. They are quite a rarity...

Above - Greenish habitat around the unusual tin Church at Low Newton...

Above - The chap itself, Greenish Warbler...
Also here were a Redstart or two, Spotted Fly and Garden Warbler.
The rest of the day was spent out shopping hence I failed to meet up with any of the invading Honey Buzzards into Northumberland. Tomorrow maybe?
More good birds continue to arrive on the home turf with Bluethroat and Black Tern yesterday and Hoopoe and Red backed Shrike additional to the Honey Buzzards today. Can't be bad can it.
What a lovely little bird and he seems so calm.
Tiny too OC look at your first finger and you have an idea of size...
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