Another Monday on holiday ( I'm starting to catch up with teachers now) and I headed all the way south down there to East Chevington for a chat with Andy and Nigel. It was a lovely sunny but breezy day, the temperature up to 15 degrees, but things were quiet on the bird front. Highlights at a well over flooded Chevington North Pool were 45 Goldeneye, 3 drake Red breasted Merganser displaying and 10+ Gadwall. A light passage of Pied Wagtails and Meadow Pipits tracked north overhead but there were no early hirundines.
Whilst chewing the fat we had company on the sun warmed hide sides -
Tibellus oblongus |
Salticus scenicus |
The little chap with the glasses is the Zebra Jumping Spider we see on the walls of houses etc, but the strange looking critter at the top is a lifer for me.
This afternoon Roger and Sylvia dropped by. Roger quietly letting on that he had photographed this Lizard by my seawatch seat...Never seen a Lizard on the patch...
Great shot of the Zebra Spider, Stewart. Lucky to get it in still mode.
Where did you get the name of that top spider...never seen anything like that before.
Dean - It was the first photo of 4 blurred ones as it legged it.
Nige - UK Spiders website. Me neither.
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