A nice warm and sunny day with a light SE2 to clear the air. Two short strolls today, firstly this morning to the Pondfield and later to the coast path. Nothing doing bird wise other than a whistling Whimbrel over the garden that remained unseen. The pair of Little Grebes on the pond have three tiny humbug striped chicks now. Plenty of distant fishing Gannets and Kitty frenzies too far to bother with...

A stroll through the meadow next to the pond lifted dozens of Meadow Browns (above) and a couple of Small Tortoiseshells (above) whilst there were about 15+ Ringlets in the Village Wood. New plants in flower in the Meadow were Devils Bit Scabious and Giant Bellflower. One or two Emerald Damselflies were new on the wing too ( above). There was no sign of any Dragons though. A large Trout jumped clear of the water (theres no fish in the pond they reckon)so that may be the reason for lack of Dragons. Plenty of Common Blue Damsels though...

Along the cliff path, some large clumps of Hemp Agrimony were in flower. A new one on me.

And finally, all of the nice spring blossom has turned into Bird Cherries now. They look good enough to eat!
See you got some great butterfly pics too Stewart, nice.
All the bird cherries here have been eaten now!
Hemp Agrimony is a magnet for inverts, Stewart. You`ll have to keep an eye on that clump.
A stunning seascape for your opening shot - what a wonderful stretch of coastline.
We could do with a July day like that down here at the moment - it's a wash-out.
WB - You must be a bit ahead of us Warren being so far south. Our Buddleia's up here are only just starting to bud, and wont be in flower for maybe another week or more...
Dean - Cheers I'll keep a look out, there are more plants that those in the picture, but they are quite exposed to the sea so they might not be as good for insects...
R - I must have posted a few shots of Cullernose Point on here this year but it never fails to impress me when I'm out and I see it every day! It might be brighter for you tomorrow...
Wonderful photos Stewart. I have Hemp Agrimony growing in my perennial herb garden and didn't know it was a magnet for inverts. Must keep an eye on it. My Buddleia is just now coming out in leaf. We are way behind you guys.
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