First dragon seen was the target cruising the shallow margins at a regular pace and pattern. Larger than Ruddy Darter and broader winged, he didn't seem as fidgety either and more dliberate in his flight. It was quite agressive to both Ruddy and Common Darters until the male Black tailed Skimmer put in an appearance and chased him off for a while. The Skimmer itself is a fantastic record for Northumberland and is one of the first records ( I think).

Above - Look at the bright red parallel body and the yellowish pterostigma ( wing spots)visible even in this flight pic.

Although blurred this shows well the red veins and yellow bases to the wings in flight.

As does this.

Above - Head on the body shape and pterostigma spots are still visible.

The two shots show the blue eye base ( click on any picture) and all other features. The legs have faint paler stripes down them.

And finally a merge to compare with a Ruddy from last year. Look at the body shape, eyes etc.

Also present - 1 Four spot Chaser, 1+ Ruddy and 2+ Common Darter and the three common Damselflies.
Cheers lads a great spot!
Nice one Stewart!
Yep, definately a nice one.
yep - definitely a very nice one. Cracking flight shots Andrew!
Amazing what these pools turn up. I don't know much about these things but is it a migrant?
well done stewart. Well explained! I have trouble with Common and ruddies!
Tricia - Andrew?
Nigel - Aye and rare ones too. Go for a look. Park in the spine road layby on the south bound carriageway then walk north along the very for 200 mtrs before turning in to the pond.
Warren - Me an'all...
Stewart - I've done it again!! I'm soooo sorry - brain not engaged before fingers hit the keyboard!!
No probs Tricia :)
Nigel I have typing gloves on too, that 'very' should say VERGE!
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