Bearing that in mind, imagine my shock today when I found that every 'red' darter I looked at was a Red veined. I had between 6 and 8 individuals around the pond edge ( I later heard that Richard Dunn had as many as 14!) I think I cocked up i.d yesterday with my Ruddies, they were all RVD's.

Above - This is the pond. RVD Habbo...

Above - Pristine top left wing....

Above - Raggy notched top left wing...

Above - Nice red veins...

Above - Look at the pterostigmas on that...

Above - Only one whitish body stripe...

Above - Blue in the face...
Not only those but the male Black tailed Skimmer ( Harry Eales had 4), 2 Emperors, including one that caught a Meadow Brown in flight, cut its wings off and ate it in about 15 seconds, 1 Four Spotted Chaser, 1 female Common Darter ( or teneral -immature - male).
I hope the pics are not dragon overkill but they are fantastic and up here we might not get the chance again. I suggest you go and see for yourself they are well worth it...
Oh and tonight back home the Roseate Tern was fishing very close in again. I might try and get some pics tomorrow evening if it is there...
No overkill at all, Stewart. Just hope one crosses my path one day.
I feel a twitch coming on!
I hope I find one on my patch then. I know what to look for now!
I do envy you seeing these beauties. Great photos.
Not enough Stew keep them coming!
Only just seen this blog bit....great stuff!
..there's been 'unusual' numbers of RV in Leicestershire lately and i had been wondering if other counties had noticed an 'up-swing' in occurrence....seems so! Crackin things red veins....had one on my local pond recently...[not really suitable breeding habo] these RV's cud 'drop in' almost anywhere...[anywhere there's water that is...maybe not yer bath-tub tho]!
'Beast' wishes....
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