Well, last night when I came home from woork I walked Bunty up towards the coast path. As I approached the road end and looked seaward I noticed some birds coming low across the cut hay field ahead. I knew what they were, but thought I must be mistaken so lifted the bins, expecting to be corrected by a family party of gulls, but no, only a couple of hundred yards from home, heading north overland were four tremendous Bonxies! Absolute belters they were too, all adults. Had I been seawatching they would have gone behind me. I should have taken the camera because I would, at least, have had a record shot to show you they were that close.
Thats it, about turn and collect the scope. The wind was a nice NNW4 and the sea had quite a swell on it. I ended up having an hour's look seaward in two halves, after returning Bunty for her tea.
This is the note book entry for the session -

Bonxie (Great Skua) 4
Little Gull 2ad
Whimbrel 2 inc one close enough to grab (well not quite...)
Arctic Tern maybe a dozen
Manx Shearwater 6
Roseate Tern 1 lovely pink adult watched for about 15 minutes hovering and dropping to catch a tiny sandeel then back up. The wind held it nicely at eye level throughout.
Sandwich Tern 2+
Along with plenty of auks, Gannets, Kitties, and Fulmars all going north, a good show for such an early date. A reminder that the autumn seawatching proper is imminent...
smashing notebook entry Stu
Great sketch in your notebook :)
Nice one Stewart, were the Bonxies on your patch then ?
Once seen, a Bonxie is not forgotten. I did see one once, on a pelagic cruise with the Natural History Society, and it was very exciting. Your note book is lovely; I bet you have kept records like this for years - they must give great pleasure on winter evenings.
WB - Yes they were nearly a garden tick! Only about 200 yds from home...
EA - Great birds Bonxies, we see them every autumn in varying numbers but these were so close and at a very early date.
Thanks for the comments all...
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