This Blackbird's nest is in the ivy on our wall...

A patch of Honesty in a shady wild area...

The garden wall is south facing and looking well covered in Ivy leaved Toadflax...

A few tiny bees were creeping around, I think they may be Tawny Mining Bees?

A small patch of Bugle is growing out of the lawn...

I think this is Common Carder Bee?

A raggy Peacock with matching chunks out of each upper wing shows it was attacked with the wings closed...

A male Orange Tip was a nice one in the garden...
Further afield, a dusk sortie added these two to the day list...

Pictures are blurred due to the lack of light...
An excellent day then.
is the bottom pic a pied wagtail stewart . ;-)
The abdomen`s not red like Tawny Mining Bee, Stewart. I would plump for Andrena haemorrhoa.
Warren - Like it....
Dean - Eh? I wish things had english names, I might stand a chance then. Anyway, cheers. I'm not too up on things like this...
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