I met up with ADMc at Cresswell at 7.30am. A good show of waders were gathered at the noth side of the causeway - 2 Little Stints, 35 Dunlin, 1 Ruff, 15+ Knot, 2 Black tailed Godwit, 12+ Snipe, 1 Common Sandpiper plus 600+ Lapwings.

Above - Little Stint.

Above - A selection of waders, Dunlin, Ruff, Snipe, Lapwing and Redshank.
8 Wigeon were back on the pond and 10+ Gadwall were scattered amongst the Mallard. Around the edges were 3 Grey Partridge, 2ad and 2 juv Stock Doves, 1 Swift flew S, 1 Wheatear was on a fence post.
All of the birds gathered here had attracted the attention of several raptors - 1 juv Marsh Harrier, 1 juv and 2 ad Peregrines put on a great display harassing the flocks of waders and a Kestrel flew over.
Next stop was along at East Chevington. The water levels here are very high leaving no mud exposed for waders. The first thing of note seen was a large dog Otter swimming along the reeds on the south pool. At one stage he took an unhealthy interest in a Mallard and two young Moorhens before they flew off.

Above - Druridge Bay. Note the Bank Holiday crowds...
1 Sparrowhawk was hunting the Alders, 1 juv / female type Pintail flew over, 1 Little Egret was on the north pool, a Buzzard soared over distantly and a female Merlin dashed overhead. A Vapourer Moth caterpillar was new to me.

Above - Vapourer Moth caterpillar.

Above - Autumn Gentian.
Loads of Peacock butterflies were on the wing as well as 2 Walls and afew late Meadow Browns. 2 Common Darters were along the tracks.
In the dunes a few spikes of Autumn Gentian were in flower.
Back at home at lunchtime, 2 Buzzards were over our garden and a Sparrowhawk chased the Collared Doves.

Above - Red Admirals and Orange Hawkweed in our garden.
We took Bunty along to Brizlee Moor for a walk seeing 2 Buzzards, 2 Kestrels and another Sparrowhawk, 15+ Red legged Partridges and a Red Grouse.

Above - Brizlee Crags and Moor.
The raptor total for today was good with -
Marsh Harrier 1
Merlin 1
Peregrine 3
Sparrowhawk 4
Buzzard 5
Kestrel 3
Excellent sightings/pics, stunning scenery. What more could you ask for.
Sorry Stewart, forgot to add my name to the above comment.
Ta Dean...
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