Above - Buggy. A Blue Masked Lovebird. Intensly irritating with his pinging call that would shatter glass...and...

Above - Chichi. Originally called Cobweb but that soon went by the wayside. The second of the two 'hangers on' in our household...this one is the reason we don't have a land line and that this PC has its cables held together with tape...

Above - They don't even like each other. Chichi trying to rob Buggy's seed at risk of that wopping pink beak...
Nothing whatsoever to do with natural history but I thought I'd show you what we bloggers go through just to publish a post.
Awwww, lovely.
Stew, your links have gone haywire.
Just clicked on some and they send my to the blogs except they look weird - not in the Blogger template you'd expect.
Blogger - it has it quirks doesn't it :)
Here's an example:
Has your gerbil been at the blogger wires again?
Alan, It looks ok this end? Your link doesn't work at all??
Bizarre goings on.
If I'm logged in to Blogger all your links work fine.
If I'm not logged in I either see no links at all under your Blog Links menu or I see the links (without the latest update title) and when I click them I get a weird version.
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