Above - A couple from yesterday, top, Wall Brown Butterfly on our Buddleia and a bathing batch of spuggies in my birdbath ( a bin lid on a concrete drain pipe, finesse...)
The wind was up slightly from the NW this evening at Boulmer. I'm getting sick of rain every day with winds from the wrong half. Wait till September. Clear high pressure with light southerlies until November...
I plodged Bunty around the north end, dodging puddles in the track and seeing only a few birds. 3 ( or maybe 2?) Arctic Skuas drifted north. I say 3 because they all looked the same but I did see 2 at once, then a single. 1 Whimbrel, 100+ Curlew, 50+ Oystercatchers and masses of gulls loafing around. No Swifts today though I did see two yesterday...
Weather looks ok for the Saturday and Sunday.
I just love the picture of the birds. Of course the butterfly is beautiful as well.
I remember the days when sparrows used my garden in such numbers.
There are still quite a few around, but they dare not gather in my garden, for fear of the accipiter!
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