Above - I managed a quick sketch or two of a Barn Owl near the car park on arrival... Its really hard to draw flight birds in the field, hence the dubious shapes!
Another collar and tie, shiny shoe visit to East Chevington for 45 minutes on my way home from work, but again, no sign of the Bittern. I was accompanied by Trev Blake and, er, the Scottish chap from Felton who's name slips my mind ( apologies). Trevor had the bird on the past two evenings just before dark but his luck wasn't with him tonight...Three Barn Owls still on show...
Awesome drawings - I love Barn Owls
those drarrins look arite te me like mate your ower fussy man divint put yer sell doon all the time
Cheers Owlman. That mask is a bit spooky. It is a mask isnt it?
Fogs - An artists worst critic is himself...
Love the sketch...love it!
Actually my profile image is Photoshopped. I was screwing around one day with it and thought the results were funny...wasn't going for spooky ;-)
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