225 moths of 64 species.
New for the list -

Above left Broom Moth and right Common Wave.
Broom Moth 1 new
Smoky Wainscot 1 NFY
Common White Wave 1 new
Small Fan Footed Wave 1 NFY
Common Wave 1 new
Pammene regiana 2 new
Crambus patella 1 new
Plus Flame 2
Poplar Hawk 4
Elephant Hawk 1
Garden Tiger 1
Sandy Carpet 4
Diamond Backed Moth 1
Shoulder Striped Wainscot 1
Barred Straw 4
Burnished Brass 1
Pammene regiana
One or two nice micros to identify?
Two mystery micros, any help gratefully recieved. Click for bigger image. Left Prays fraxinella or Ash Bud Moth and right, Eucosma campoliliana. Thanks all.
I've been following your posts with interest Stew. Looks like mothing is taking over things at the moment!
Hi Stewart
What a beauty that Broom Moth is! such a boring name for a stunner.
Mothing is certainly the best it's been for awhile, hard to keep up!
Your last micro is an Ash Bud Moth Prays fraxinella the other one looks abit like a Cochylis species.
Think 225 of 64 species would scare me witless - how d'ya get time to sort thro em all?
Yep - numbers rising Stewart. 357 of 93 here last night, even when you know the ID it takes a while to sort that lot out.
Crambus pratella? Normally a local species on dry grassy/sandy pastures with short turf - pretty good to pick that up. Is this a coastal species up there?
Nigel - Too busy for anything else!
Ben - Thanks for the id. Broom Moth is a suprise, there isnt any broom in eyesight of here!
Dave - I must miss a few species too! It takes time to sort them hence only one weekday session due to work commitments. Friday and Saturday will be good if the weather holds.
Mark - Pratella? Ah, cock up on the pyralid front Mark, see my email...
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