A call from the 'Grocer' today informed me of an immature White tailed Eagle at Prestwick Carr, not too far from where I work. Unfortunately I was unable to get away to see it, but I was somewhat relieved to hear that it had been tagged more times than an Ashington chav, so I can rest easy...Still it would have been nice to see in the county.
Equally interesting, to me anyway, is the number of Black Redstarts that have appeared on our coast the last few days. There must be a dozen or more. Lets hope I can get a local one this weekend...
My only sighting today was of a Barn Owl that flew over the road not far from home on my way back from work. Still not near enough for my list though. I was in the car...again.
Cheers for the text Stewart, I did try to call you back, but couldn't get hold of you!
You still might, if it has been around the south east since Sunday it might not be in much of a hurry to go anywhere.
Great title Stew. Thanks for the text but I was looking for Black Redstarts along the coast would you believe!
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