After another couple of inches of snow fell through the night getting to work was proving a bit tricky today. At lunchtime when the snow started falling again, quite heavily, I decided to get home before it got dark. This meant I could get into position in the hide, er, porch, to await roost action.
Bang on queue they arrived, well 1 did, then another and another until a final flurry of 4 together and the Wren roost was full of 13 individuals. The Raven pair flew steadily past to their preffered area, just as 2 Woodcocks flew in to the copse behind our shed to begin a cold night trying to find food.
Not a bad evening. Its all in the timing...
As its too dark to photograph the Wrens, the drawing shows how they cling up the stone door frame before heading inside...
You'll have Kate Humble and 'whispering' Simon King camped out in your outbuildings next Autumn, whilst Bill Oddie tells 'tit' jokes in your Kitchen!
Nice one Stewart, keep up the good work yours is one of my favourite blogs.
Love the sketch.
That drawing oozes character, limited edition signed prints anyone?
Who needs a camera when you have talent.Cracking.
Excellent & witty comment, Ipin.
That besides Stewart, that`s one corker of a picture.
Really like that Wren sketch too .
Wish I had the talent .
Maybe you could put a small night heater in for them. :-)
Ta for the support.
Iain - maybe I could get some photo's of Kingy and Humble?
Warren - the boiler is in there so the pilot will keep it above freezing, just. They are tight under a pitched roof so are totally sheltered from wind and snow ( no door on though!)
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