A great day wandering around the village with Bunty, with several new species added to the list...
Merlin 1 female S looked very nice uplit by the snow.
Woodcock 5+ in the Village Wood including one feeding out in the open in a ditch at dusk. Great views.
Water Rail 1 ! An unexpected cold weather bonus legging it along the ditch next to the one being utilised by the feeding Woodcock at dusk.

Brambling 1fw female at our feeders.
Lesser Redpoll 6 showing well in Village Wood.
Treecreeper 1 with a couple of Long tailed Tit and Coal Tit.
Skylarks 6 the rest have been snowed out now. Only the stragglers, maybe to weak to go, are left.

Canada Goose 1 still in the back field. Today it looks even bleaker than this. There is no vegetation showing above the snow at all now, this was taken yesterday.
I have added the full On Foot from Home 2010 list in the right hand column. It will be updated as necessary.
OFFH Total - 77
Below - Aging Bramblings in the garden. Top is todays first winter female ( a young bird essentially). Bottom is a male I first thought to be adult but now I think its probably a first winter too, also in the garden on 14th November last year. Click on the pics to read my text. It might be of interest to some one who's snowed in looking at garden birds....

It's so strange to see snow pictures on your blog and there seems to be quite a bit in your garden. We, on the other hand, are having it quite mild with the grass still green like summer. Alas, it won't last though. We still have a long winter ahead of us. I hope your temperatures get back to normal soon. Love the pictures.
Where can you buy large amounts of bird feed locally, I have some feeders at work but think I need to get out into the country and try and help out, any advice would be helpful? Also while looking over the Northumberland bird blogs there doesn't seem to be any mention of Waxwings?
Gordon, Get seed at either Laverock Hall near Blyth its a seed merchants only open Tues and Thurs am or Roger Mannings at Alnwick. £10 - £12 per big bag.
There havent been any Waxwings this year. Last year they were all over but this is more the norm...If they haven't arrived by end of November we dont get many. In good years they arrive late October.
OC - Our snow is a shock to us but its the usual winter for yourself. I dont know how you cope so well!
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