-2 through the night but a balmy 2 degrees today has resulted in a minor thaw.
Although we haven't been far today, a couple of dog walks was quite good and produced one or two things of note.
This morning a short walk around the coast path had 42 Fieldfares over the back field with the hundreds of Skylarks and 19 Grey Partridges were near the farm. A flock of about 10 Redpolls were in the alders along the lane and although they were very flighty I glimpsed a white rump on one as it preened briefly showing that it is likely to be a Mealy. Its a shame I couldn't get a better look. A Marsh Tit was in the hedge near the village.
At lunchtime we took a walk to check on the swans at the pond. All three were on the ice with only a bath sized area of water remaining frost free. In the Village Wood we flushed 2 Woodcock from one spot and a male Blackcap was feeding in the ornamental pink rowans before being shown the way by a beligerent Mistle Thrush.
On our return I heard a Raven call to the south. On looking around, a single bird was flying from the farm to the Village wood calling regularly. As we lost sight of it behind the trees, a second flew from the village, from right over our house, and headed off to meet the first. These massive crows flushed all the pigeons from the wood and looked quite sinister on passing. Its great to hear them so close to home...
Merry Christmas to all, and thanks for all your comments.
Merry Christmas, Stewart, and thanks for your advice and comments during the year.
All the best Stewart, have a great Christmas, and good birding in 2010
Merry Christmas, Stewart.
Glad you got the Ravens in the bag.
Have a good time Stewart - good memories from the summer!
Merry Christmas to you as well Stewart. And a Happy New Year to you and yours.
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