Last night was clear and cold hence the hint of frost this morning. I knew things were quiet at the moth trap when there were no midges or anything by 9pm. Box empty. Then at 10pm one moth, and thats him above - Merveille du Jour, my second garden record. By midnight only another three moths caught - Brick, Yellow line Quaker and Rosy Rustic.
Today JWR and myself headed back to Craster to check out a small wood behind Dunstanburgh Castle heughs. Although it was quiet and took us quite a while to walk there, a few bits and pieces were noted en route.
Chiffchaff 1 still singing.
Blackcap 1
Redwing 6+
Brambling 1
Blackbirds, Song Thrushes, Robins and Chaffinches around every corner, must have included some immigrants.
Redpoll 2 S
Skylark 15 S
Willow Tit 2
Peregrine 1 imm chasing a Woodpigeon unsuccessfully.
Buzzard 4 together chasing worms in a ploughed field at Howick Scar Farm.
At home this weekend around the village on dog walks had a few skeins of Pink footed Geese S, 3 Red throated Divers on the sea together.
In the Village Wood and Pond Field were 1 Green Woodpecker, seen this time but briefly as it flew off, 1 Marsh Tit, 1 Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff, 6 Redwing, 2 Jay, 1 Buzzard , 2 Little Grebes, ad and juv, and 1 Red Squirrel at the beechmast very high up.
A few butterflies were on ivy flowers - 2 Red Admirals and 1 Small Tortoiseshell.
Below - Some shots around our village...

Another one..., Stewart. You`re doing well.
They are GREAT moths! Dead jealous. I have packed the trap away as was catching nowt down here?
Not quite so minty-green as your last M-du-J capture, Stewart but a beautiful moth all the same.
I really like this moth. Great shots of the village. Looks a lovely place.
Ian - Get the trap on at any weather opportunity...
OC - Yes its nice here, quiet. Maybe not as quiet as where you are though...
Dean / Emma - I think the green was washed out due to the early morning light when I took the pic before work. It needs sunshine. I like the autumn moths, I'm enjoying it.
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