Viewing from Cullernose Point from 0730 - 0830 I had -
Manx Shearwater 105 N
Sooty Shearwater 3 N its always good to get the first ones of the year...
Red throated Diver 2 N
Wigeon 9 N
Common Scoter 5 N
Teal 9 N
Shelduck 3 N
Bonxie 1 N
Gannet 3000+ N at about 50+ per minute. And unusually, I could hear these birds calling to each other, honking and crowing a bit like like a goose. I cant recall ever hearing Gannets calling ...
Then I had 2 hours from 3 - 5pm. Although the wind was stronger most passage had died off -
Pale bellied Brent Geese 29 N
Dark bellied Brent 1 N
Common Scoter 2 N
Shag 5 N
Lesser black backed Gull 9 N
Bonxie 4 N
Manx Shearwater 15 N
Sandwich Tern 5
Golden Plover 2 N
Auks in good numbers including a few juvvy Puffins, looking very small....
In between these watches I met up with Gail from Lesbury who was interested in learning more about birding the area. Although it was quiet we did manage to see 22 Grey Plover and 9+ Bar tailed Godwits at Seaton Point.
Back home we had some unusual visitors to some fruit left out for the birds...

Above - Firstly this Bank Vole was hyper running in and out between snacks, followed by 2 of these -
Baby Long tailed Field Mice! Tiny, no bigger than a strawberry, they allowed approach down to 4 feet.

I hope the Magpies dont see them....
The Bank Vole is wonderful, Stewart.
Juvvy puffins ? Surely you mean little auks !! 8)
Cheers Emma.
Oh yes Gary thats right, where's that field guide...seriously, I might be eating my words cos a good birder had those reported...
Well I am just eating my words right now... I saw a little auk this afternoon at Newton Point !
omg, those baby mice are just the cutest little things I've seen in ages.
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