Above - Common Wainscot

Above - Red Green Carpet

Above - Frosted Orange
Moth trapping last night had 48 moths of 15 species or so. New for me were Red Green Carpet and Frosted Orange, while the Common Wainscot was pristine and the photo doesnt do it justice.
Today was one of those quiet autumn days so I got up ealy and wandered around by the coast path then up onto the Heugh and back by the woods.
There was some Meadow Pipit passage with 60 S in the first hour or so, along with 1 Grey and 1 Yellow Wagtail, 3 Skylarks and a few hirundines. A few hundred of which were feeding next to the wood with the 2 Swifts still present. Every day a bonus...
On the shore 2 Common Sandpipers were still piping back and forward while a single Golden Plover came 'in off'

On the way up to the trig point at the top of the Heugh this Stoat showed well but didnt linger for better photos, a buck and doe Roe Deer sloped off quietly from the stubble field and 6 Stock Doves were on the ploughed land.

From the top of the Heugh the views are lovely but the light wasnt too good so I'll save that for another day in the autumn. This Buzzard gave great fly by views harassed by a Carrion Crow.
Down in the woods, male and female Sparrowhawk 'sparred' and 2-3 Jays croaked over acorns. 1 Wheatear a few Chiffchaffs and 3 Yellowhammers were the only other things of note....
The red/green carpet moth is lovely, Stewart. Three nice moths. Stoat good to see too.
Nice Staot Stewart, they just make me laugh to look at them - as do weasels.
Mipits South today here as well in steady, minor, numbers.
Hirundines also including 1 Swift over Cresswell.
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