Above - Shuttle-shaped Dart. A relative newcomer this far north...
Well, as far as birding goes, it is now autumn. Its just a pity the birds hadn't realised it yet. All is generally quiet up here at the minute, and Saturday's weather did little to change things. Rain all morning with a moderate SSE5 and fair mid afternoon.
When at a loose end there's nothing for it other than to peer sea wards...So with deckchair, scope, bins and notebook, a short yomp to the coast path and I was set.
3.10pm - 4.10pm ( I like to force an hour in even when theres nothing doing).
Curlew 32 in the hay field.
Common Scoter 4m S ( always a bad sign when birds are going south...)
Gannet. About 30 per hour North.
Sandwich Tern. 18+ N
Great black backed Gull. No count, a few N.
Fulmar 5+
Red breasted Merganser 1 very distant female N.
Common Tern 1.
Puffin 1.
Kittiwakes, Not counted, locals.
Oystercatcher 10S 1N
Razorbill 3N
Shearwater sp probably a Sooty, but too far off and dipping into wave troughs.
Common Gull 2ad.
Eider 4.
Guillemot 4 on sea.
Painted Lady 1.
Grey Seal 1 bull close in.
Moths in the garden tonight were 3 Mother of Pearl, 1 Shuttle shaped Dart, 1 Six striped Rustic, 1 Silver Y, 1 Common Wainscot.
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