Above - This female White Ermine was at the Moth Shop this evening. My first visit here in ages and there was a canny selection tonight, with Dot Moth, 2 Brimstones, Pug sp, but only the Ermine was low enough to capture...

Above - More attempts at snapping the Barn Owl tonight. You wouldn't think it from these shots but sometimes it came very close to our house but I couldn't get onto it in time. It hunted on and off between 8.30pm and 10pm this evening but had quite a low strike rate...
Oh and I tried that 'Simon King squeaking' technique and it worked a treat. The bird was on the other side of the field when I squeaked and it homed in like a missile. Its a pity the dog didn't come to call as easy as that!
I always found snoring like a young Barn Owl got their attention, explain more dont make me google 'Simon King squeaking'.
On telly last night there was a repeat of a scene where he squeaked a Barn owl to fly right overhead. They think it is a prey species there for the taking..
The back of taht moth could nearly be a barn owls belly!
What aspect is that Moth Shop wall Stew or does it not matter?
Those moths are gorgeous.
Hoping the Barn Owl that summered and over wintered on my patch last year, will return again, but no sign of it yet :-)
No Barn Owls where I live, so your shots are lovely as are those of the White Ermine. And Alan, I did Google "Simon King squeaking". Thanks Stewart.
was it you who found the golden oriole
same question as foggy!
I'll see a Barn owl one day, lovely shots
Alan G - Just visit any type of bright outside light thats on all night and hope for the best!
Foggy - Yes
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