I got all excited today when I read the Moths in Northumberland website. It said that the Mullein Moth hade never been recorded in Northumberland, and the last record for Durham was in 1979. Last night I found 15 caterpillars of this moth on a few Verbascum ( Mullein) plants growing wild in our drive!
Due to the rarity I wondered if I had jumped the gun with my id but after consulting with expert colleagues they are indeed Mullein Moth larvae.
Tom Tams, County Moth recorder states that he knows of one other county record from Allerwash in the Tyne Valley in 1997. Bugger, pipped to the glory slot!!!
Still a very good record though I'm well chuffed...
Tonight down the coast path, still no Dolphins but an adult Cuckoo flushed from the rocks next to my seawatch spot...
Having never seen a Mullein Moth I had to google images. They are lovely. How exciting to see the caterpillars. Great photos.
A 2nd county record is still a good un, Stewart. Great pics & well done with the find.
I've never seen these either - an unusual (and attractive I think) colour scheme. The furry texture of the plant in that second shot makes them stand out in 3 D on my screen. Good find.
I planted Mullein in my garden to attract the moth larvea. Now the bloody plats have spread everywhere!!
What an attractive caterpillar! Nice pics.
Are you going to put those into the Garden Moth Week database Stewart?
nice one stewart!
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