So whats been seen this weekend? Well, the time has been spent largely within half a mile of home, either in the garden or wandering the estate and coastal path.
A seawatch for an hour yesterday morning brought typical summer fayre with 15 Razorbills and 8 Puffins identifiable in the hordes of distant auks, 1 summer adult Red throated Diver N, a few Arctic and Sandwich Terns, 150+ Gannets per hour North, 11 Common Scoter N, plus the usual Fulmars and Kitts.
In the garden, 3 Painted Lady brightened the day briefly, a pair of Yellowhammers at the feeders with a pair of Sparrowhawks in attendance too.
Down at the pond field, a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling on both days, but remained unseen. The meadow though is a real stunner ( below) with masses of Norhern Marsh Orchids, many hybrid orchids and the first Common Spotted Orchids, Salad Burnet, Great Burnet, Hawkweed, Pignut, Birds foot Trefoil, Ragged Robin, Sheeps Sorrel etc. As many as 30+ Chimney Sweeper moths lifted as a strolled through.

Above - Pond Field in all its glory. Click on the picture to get a better look.

Above - Salad Burnet, a scarce plant up here.
Best thing though has been the presence of a hunting Barn Owl at dusk from our kitchen window. On Sunday night I was outside and it flew to within 10 yards before it back pedalled. Tonight it was out in full daylight hunting the rough grass on the back field before leaving along the back hedgerow...
That pond field looks stunning. A well captured shot, Stewart.
I wish i could stay out till late. But that`s what becomes of being a family man. I have to get the majority of my walks in while the kids are at school.
Stewart, love the orchid pic. By the way, I think that your Salad Burnet picture is Great Burnet. Having said that, I've not seen Great Burnet...
The meadow is gorgeous. I wouldn't mind a stroll through there at all.
Looks like a Great Burnet to me too, although I'm hardly an expert. I had Salad Burnet at Seghill nature reserve at the weekend.
I wouldn't wander far either stewart, with all that local wildlife to be seen.
I was ringing barn owls on your patch tonight, we found a pair with small young, we caught the female, who I ringed last year in the same locality.
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