Today [er, Friday] was sunny with some very heavy and cold showers with and irritating strong SW7 blowing too.

Before work a male Yellowhammer was at our feeders in the garden as was the female Great spotted Woodpecker. The Lesser Whitethroat was still singing over towards the back hedge. I'll see it this weekend hopefully...
At tea time I ventured down past Seahouses Farm to the Rumbling Kern. 4 Wheatears were along the track south, the Whimbrel flew from the bean field to the shore, calling this time. Thats the first time I've heard it whistle in three sightings. Unusual.

At the shore were 3 Reed Buntings. 3 Turnstones (81), 14 Sandwich and 3 Common Terns (82), 21+ Oystercatchers and just after I put the camera away my first Swift (83) of the year flew south nice and slowly and well lit maybe enough to get a shot. Unlucky there.
A lot of flowers in bloom now along the coast path with still masses of Primroses and Violets alongside Vetch, Red Campion and Ribwort Plantain.
This evening male and female Tawny Owls (84) were calling from Village Wood.
You'll get 100 may species before I get 100 for the year!
No panic Warren, I've cleaned up all my likely commoners. Treecreeper is missing and I will possibly add one or two seabirds but thats about it, but I am pleased with the month so far.
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