A few interesting things today started with a Cuckoo (87) calling in the Village Wood. Heard both morning and evening but when I looked for it, it went all quiet and refused to reveal itself.

Above - Cuckoo taken in China last year. Despite full measurements we still couldn't decide 100% what species it was! Looked like ours though...
Also today, a Great spotted Woodpecker flew from a ditch after taking a bath, 2 Stock Doves, 1 Whitethroat and a Kestrel were in the Village Wood.
Tonight we have just come back from a walk to the Pond. Not much birdlife at this late hour but 4 Noctule Bats were hawking around overhead. Much larger than the common Pipistrelles ( 2 were in the village), when looked at closely in flight they seemed much slimmer winged and even had a long necked appearance. They were about Swift sized. They called distinctively too, a sharp 'tzzzick' like a smaller Dipper call...
Up to 3 Roe Does, or it may have been the same one, were seen at varying times.
Noctules are cracking I used to get a couple over the river at East Sleekburn when I lived there, they seemed to hunt over water quite regularly.
I like bats Stewart. I've got some long eared bats in my loft.
PS Ive put a black headed gull on my blog for you to compare with the Med. ;-)
Yes its just a pity they can be impossible to id.
Warren, Are you sure its a Black headed? :)
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