A breezy day, SW6, but generally fair and dull with brighter spells.
This morning there were two new visitors to the garden feeders, the first was a male Siskin that made an early departure when the Starlings arrived, then a Tree Sparrow (above)(76) showed up.
I was straight out with Bunty after work. We did the usual circuit around the coastal path, bathing house and back by the lane. There wasn't much of note really except 90+ Kittiwakes sitting on the sea, 2 Great black backed Gulls (77), 3 Arctic Terns ( loads were offshore but too far out to identify with bins) and an Oystercatcher on the rocks.
Near the lane end in with the cattle was a nice male Blue headed Wagtail. Although distant, my feather perfect image below shows it to be most like the 'channel' type wags. At one stage it chased a Goldfinch around the field in a blur of colour. Also here, 2 House Martins and a huge female Buzzard just overhead.

Apparently there's a holding camp near Calais and they try and jump on lorries overnight to get here. You watch those sporadic breeding records will turn into an enclave.
Tree Spuggys are just top drawer birds. Don`t you agree Stewart.
Top photo Stewart.... I do like Tree Sparrows. Friend of mine has a glorious painting of 5 TS's on a branch in sunlight. One of the best bird paintings I think I've ever seen.
Cheers all. Yes Alan, Morrisons shelves are now full of Blue headed Wagtail food. They've taken all our jobs too.
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