I finally moved in on Friday last week with the fantastic help of ADMc who slogged it out with me from dawn til dark. Another great friend who I owe a lot to. Cheers Andy, I hope the back is holding out!
I've been so busy there is little to update really but here goes.
Firstly, a new moth. No, not from the local convenience store, this one came in the kitchen window. According to the Northumberland Moths website it is abundant inland but the only coastal site is at Low Newton. An update needed there me thinks....

Water Carpet...
On Sunday night a dusk stroll into the hall gardens had a rare daylight hunting Tawny Owl in the field near the pond and a Roe doe flushed nearby.
Yesterday a Marsh Tit showed well preening after bathing along the Howick lane, but best of all as I got back home with Bunty after her morning walk, a raptor being mobbed over the back field attracted my attention. Although too distant with the naked eye, pale wing flashes could be seen but it seemed slimmer than a Buzzard. A dash for the bins, soon showed the bird to be a nice adult male Marsh Harrier. What a garden tick in my first week! It casually flapped off to the south easily dodging the flanking corvids...
Oh and thanks to Dean and Nigel for letting me use their blogs to pass on my message.
Must admit your page does become a miss when your used to regularly checking on all things wildlife up there, jealous of those guys out on the Farnes.
Welcome to your new home Stewart and welcome back :D. You've some wonderful birds there to keep you company.
Looking forward to hearing all about the wildlife discoveries in your new area!
Look forward to many more post stewart, Great garden tick as you say!!
you probably havent missed much with my blog its never up to date anyway
welcome back stew go find some rarities for us all to enjoy.
ps more birds and less moths please
sorry to upset all the moth fans
It must be a great feeling to finally have moved in. Nice moth there. Glad you're back and looking forward to hearing about all the interesting wildlife around there.
Thanks for the comments all, its great to be back on line.
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