There were only two, the first a very green looking March Moth that flew off before I took a photo and then a new one for the convenience store - Clouded Drab. At first it looked much like the other brown moths but closer examination showed it to be subtley attractive, in its own way...

As you can see, I removed it from the painted pebble dashing to a more natural looking stone wall ( our outhouse) for the picture...
Tonight I walked Bunty south past the Rumbling Kern on the coastal path. Here on a newly harrowed field were 2 male and 1 female Wheatears, my first of the year. I checked the cliffs for Black Redstarts without success, but the easterly winds this week should drop one or two in so keep a look out...
Clouded Drabs were amongst the Birdguides catch on Holy Island, live up to their name, the Garden Warbler of the moth world.
Keep up the mothing Stewart. Your Spar shop list could become legendary, especially if you pick up that Clifden Nonpareil in the autumn.
Great seeing these moths Stewart, I'm trying to learn from you. Loads of chiffs down here this week they'll be with you soon
A Black Redstart, that would be good (for me that is!)
Like your moth antics!
Most people go to the spar for milk, bread, eggs n stuff...what do the longhoughton chavas who knock aboot there make to your mothing antics?
Charvas! You know too well my thoughts about them. I would put them on the 'pest species' list just next to gypo's (and maybe Dappy from N'Dubz)...Anyway, they dont get up til 3 so my early visits have no chance in coinciding with their trip for baccy'n'
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