Common Quaker...

Yellow Horned.
Yellow Horned is a new one on me.
The background is getting a bit monotonous now so I think I might start placing the moths I can reach on a suitable background to take a photo...cream pebble dashing isn't the most complementary.
Other than those I have seen little other than two Roe Deer on the roadside at Howick this and last evening.
Spar Moth List 6.
Looks canny this Spar. What's it like for raptors?
Stewart, i always carry a few 35mm film tubs around with me, for the purpose of transporting them to a more suitable background.
The only Spar here Pete is the sign above the door :)
Aye Dean, I'll get on to it. That dashing is grim...
I'm making an effort to get back into moths again Stew. My only one so far was a Hebrew character at work this week.
What you doing to attract them? just leavin the light on or are you trying oot potions
Hi Stewart..... just done a posting for the Easter Bird challenge... are you up for defending your title (and spreading the word?) TTFN Andrew
ST - Doing nowt Steve just visiting the new bright outside lights at the shop...
Andrew - Comment left on your blog...
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