Above - Dunstanburgh Castle. Thats how far it is for a Raven to fly to Howick...

Above - The view South from the same spot the top picture was taken.
After a cold dull start, the day turned out nice and bright. No sign of the Raven today despite a good few hours outdoors listening for it.
Gary at Newton Stringer has left an interesting comment about there being two Ravens at Dunstanburgh castle. This is only about 1 minutes flight away from my sighting so I bet our bird was one of the two...I bet its still hanging around the coastal cliffs somewhere ... Alan Tilmouth reports that there have been no coastal birds in the county since 2004, but I see there was one on Holy Island in Oct 2006. I think I have heard of one there this year too but can't find the record anywhere?
Two Buzzards were running around like chickens hunting worms in the Heugh field, 21 Curlews were in the stubble along with 4 Reed Buntings and a Yellowhammer. Two Skylarks were in full song high over the same field. A total of 150 Pink footed Geese flew north this morning and a male Sparrowhawk flashed through the garden.
The Fulmars provided the days strangest view as four of them soared together over the back fields and pine plantation. I wonder if they are daring each other who can go the furthest inland before getting scared!
Grand shot of Dunstanburgh Stewart. I'd not reaslised Ravens were uncommon along the coast there. Lets hope it returns, an absolutely stunning bird. I watched one being harried by a pair of Buzzards a while back, quite a sight seeeing these heavyweights in action, but realising how agile Ravens are.
Nice pictures. Hope the Raven returns.
Yes, I missed that one, the Holy Island bit was in brackets, that's my excuse anyway.
Andrew - Aye, Ravens are good anywhere in thecounty but to see one on the coast was something different.
OC - Thank you...
AT - I'm sure Holy Islan has had one this winter??
A pair of Ravens turned up on The Farnes in mid-October, they came out from the mainland and headed back after hanging around the Inner Group for about half an hour. They were displaying a bit so maybe looking to breed somewhere along the coast this year? Only the 5th record for the islands so a very pleasant surprise in an otherwise fairly dismal October!
Aye just backing what Ashy said (he found the Farne birds) - the birds appeared on the Farnes and then onto Holy Island a few weeks later - so is it the same two birds? And will they linger and breed locally? Crickey, please not on the Farnes... I'm not sure if there scarce in the area, but had two Red-legged Partridge at Rock today.
Cheers all, very interesting that note about the Ravens lads...
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