Sunday, February 08, 2009

Web Page...

I have set up one of those new, free, Google web sites called ( oh what a suprise) The Boulmer Birder. Its over there, on the right.

I fancy it might be a type of introduction instead of the 'profile' on the blogger where new visitors can get an idea what has been going on, on the blog. I'm not sure if it will stay, but it shows a sample of photos and sketches that have appeared on here. There are pages for not only birds, but mammals, dragonflies, butterflies, plants etc.

Taking a new turn, I have added some field notebook pages because I think it is important to get the more recent converts to birding into the note taking habit. I mean, if people didnt take notes and submit descriptions there would be no lists at all!

Any constructive critiscism will be gratefully recieved. Is there anything I could add or change?


Alan Tilmouth said...

All this talk about passing saltes and knocking out fireplaces has been a smokescreen whilst you whip up a website. Excellent Stewart, I'm scurrying over to Googlesites after this to check it all out. Your field notes brought back so many memories especially the Little Sheawaters, disappointed there was no field sketch of the dead cow!

The Wessex Reiver said...

Good stuff Stewart..... i used to have a free website, I think it's still out there somewhere, for my art, but it was rubbish, this looks much more fun and user friendly... a weekend task me thinks.

And what happened to renaming the blog now you've noved north of civilisation? Is it still on the cards? if you want to be really fancy, as Earl Grey used water from Howick for his very first tea infusion, and as a homage to a remarkable Northern birder worrabout, "Grey Birder" - could be just your "cup of tea"

Brian R said...

Looks fine to me Stewart, i find the artwork, and field notes the most enjoyable part of the site. Mainly because they are much more personal to yourself.

The site itself is easy to navigate, and loads quickly.

I will keep an eye turned this way.

oldcrow61 said...

It's very nice Stewart.

Stewart said...

AT - I'll look forward to yours, but you have enough on your plate with all those blogs!

Andrew - Thanks for the comments Andrew. As for renaming, I think I may just stay with BB. If its not broken...and all that.

Brian - Thanks for that Brian, I might add new drawings as and when...

OC - Thanks...