Above - from the Kitchen window. I love the wall, all covered in Ivy leaved Toadflax, Ivy and mosses...

Above - Tree Sparrow homes. More to come...
At the house from 08.30 until 4pm today. A rough list of what was seen from the windows or garden without bins and covered in plaster -
Fulmar 2 over the village.

Pink footed Geese 70+ N
Kestrel 1
Great spotted Woodpecker 1 male in the garden.
Yellowhammer 1
Reed Bunting 1
Curlew 1 feeding in stubble out the back
plus the usual 3 Tit species, Robin, Dunnock etc etc
A Song Thrush came to an unfortunate end when it flew into the living room window and broke its neck, possibly distracted by the fireplace (below)....
On the way home a Barn Owl was on a fence post next to the Hall entrance and a Buzzard flew overhead to roost.

Above - Its coming on nicely...? Just wait till the wood burner is in there and the sandstone is dressed and pointed. Lovely. Just ignore the carpet, right. An 'after' shot will follow in a (good) few weeks....
Nice garden list already.
Your house looks worse than mine....only you haven't been living in yours for the last 8 years!....One day mine will be finished too
Quite an impressive garden list Stewart.... is someone else doing the DIY.... it'll look carcking though when it's done. Amazing what we covered up in the 1970's
Andrew - I am generally labouring (hindering)to my mate John, Builder, Stone Mason, Clerk of Works and Building Control Officer as well as an all round good guy.
It's funny Stew I like the wall and I have a favourite wall. It's at Longwitton dene. I don't think its been touched for over two hundred years. It has all kinds of flowers and ferns growing all over it. I hope the new owners of Garden house don't decide to 'tidy it up.'
I can't believe you're seeing moths outside this time of year. Must be pretty mild there. Your room is going to look gorgeous when all finished.
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