The Northern Lights Project ( I think thats what its called) lit up the coloured houses at Alnmouth this evening and very nice they looked too...One night only...

And if you click on this picture and look at the terrace at the far left, thats it in daylight...albeit in a better climate.
PS - At 11.45pm tonight a female Tawny Owl flew into our garden next to the main road and 'kewick'-ed a few times as it looked down on me and Bunty. Until Bunty took offence, that is, and frightened it off by barking. It showed quite well as it flew off along the street lights...
Thanks Stewart, missed this tonight as I had to deal with wife who wont drive in snow and child on half day sledging holiday.
I wish they did that down here, I saw the start of it in November, Seaton Deleval Hall, and it's a fabulous initiative to brighten up those winter evenings... it's all going on up't north these days..... hmmmm why did I leave?
What a wonderful idea and sight the lights make, Stewart. A pleasant change from some of the gaudily lit houses around my way!
Looks pretty good by daylight too!
How lovely the lighting looks. So warm and cheerful, makes me smile.
Cheerful, indeed, and warm too. A pity that the house on the right side looks a little between and betwixt. A little off perhaps. Imagine what it would look like as view from your cosy chair inside your home with a nice port in your hand, roaring fire at your feet, and thinking of all those who had to face the cold night to see it!
Hi all thanks for the comments. Hello Yoke, you paint a lovely picture...
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