Above - Simonside Hills in autumn colour. Pity the sun wasn't shining.

Above - The moors here are not as idyllic as they seem. Nice sign....

Above - My favourites, don't they look fantastic...
The pics above are todays, but first, Friday.
I was working lates yesterday so I had a couple of walks at Boulmer with the l'il G in the morning. ( She's been a bit under the weather lately but seems to be perking up now. Barking, running, nipping, ragging her toys all seem to be in order...)
A couple of Blackbirds arrived high from the east. I was interested in Newton Stringer's Mistle Thrush arrival because there was one near the shore with Starlings this morning and they are not too common here.
3 Buzzards soared over the plantation, 4 Common Scoter were on the sea and a juv male Ruff flew NW from the beach.
In the warm sunshine a Red Admiral was gliding around the shore.
Back to today.
We took a drive over to Otterburn this afternoon. Didn't see very much other than 3 Redwings move W. We collected a good bag of Conkers on Rothbury main street, though they are not for stringing , Jane uses them on her ornamental wreaths. There are few things more evocative of autumn than these smoothly red nuts of the Horse Chestnut...
Almost nearly went over to Simonside myself today but one too many Merlots this morning put paid to that.
Nee Crossbills?
Didn't go to the woods but I'd bet you they'd be nailed on if you went...Harwood too....I've been seeing them at Ashington and at home so there must be good numbers in the forests.
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