No more reports of 'Desert Wheatear' at Cresswell? I wonder if common sense prevailed, after all, November is still a long way off. The three I've seen in Northumberland were - Bamburgh 14th December 1997, Cresswell 7th November 1999 and Holy Island 3rd November 2005. The only other I've seen was at Musselburgh, 7th December 1997. August may be a tad early especially after constant westerlies for 3 weeks...
Some notes from the diary of 11 years ago...

Two Desert Wheatears in a week...

And the Holy Island one for the 2005 Annual Report...
I'd like one at Boulmer thats for sure...
What a wonderful blog ! I can't remeber how i found it but I'm so glad I did :)
Thanks a lot Juli, glad you like it. Please feel free to drop in.
There was a Desert Wheatear in Ireland during the same month as those two (Dec 1997), but we've had NONE here since, and I've yet to see the species here...hope to remedy that this winter...
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