As the wind was from the eastern half I decided to head north to Holy Island to meet a man about a Wryneck...
On the causeway 176+ Redshanks were a good count. I checked the Snook, Chare Ends, Excavations and the Vicars Garden for very little indeed. On the migrant front were 1 Pied Flycatcher, 4 Willow Warbler, 1 Sedge Warbler.
Butterflies were a bit better with 8 Dark Green Fritillaries, 1 Grayling and 12+ Meadow Brown. A Fox Moth caterpillar was climbing up some willowherb.
The damp areas were full of a nice little plant called Grass of Parnassus and a few spikes of Evening Primrose were unexpected.

Above - Lindisfarne Castle with Bamburgh Castle in the distance...

Above - There must be a good bird out there somewhere...

Above - The Snook.

Above - Oh dear. Thats all I could get of the 'dear little piedy fly', a phrase used by Misses Baxter and Rintoul on the Isle of May just before they shot it...

Above - Grass of Parnassus. No not a grass at all.

Above - Evening Primrose in the dunes. Not a primrose either.
This afternoon a walk around Seaton Point had the Common Sandpiper still present, 1 female Sparrowhawk and a 2nd summer Mediterranean Gull N.
Thats it really...
Not much compared to 11th August 2004 when on a similar route on Holy Island I had -
Whinchat 5
Pied Fly 63 (!)
Spotted Fly 1
Garden Warbler 5
Icterine Warbler 2
Willow Warbler 5
Wryneck 3
Lesser Whitethroat 4
Whitethroat 1
plus Green Sand, Merlin, Short eared Owl, Sparrowhawk and Greenshank...
There's time yet...
Lovely pictures. The "Grass of Parnassus" is very pretty.
The pics from Holy Island bring back memories. I`ve a soft spot for that place. Hope it`s not too long before i visit it again.
Got to get up there soon. Cracking finds BB,
I thought I'd been over the Snook, is that a church and some occupied dwellings?
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