Just in case, I'll leave out the exact location but there's a clue here somewhere...I don't want a repeat of the White faced Darter debacle!

Above - Our 'mystery' site was a very scenic spot with a lowland bog enclosed in moorland bordered by this steam railway. Only a short way from the car we had 6+ Dark Green Fritillaries, 5+ Small Heath, 10+ Small Skipper and several Ringlets. On the bird front 3 Whinchats were on the heath nearby.

Above - Our main target here were these Keeled Skimmers of which we saw 3 males and 2 females. 2 female Black Darters were also present.

Above - Sundews were in flower along the water run off edges.

Above - Dark Green Fritillary.

Above - Wall Brown.

Above - As we were about to leave this fantastic adult Hobby flew right over our heads. It circled a few times before drifting off. Had we had our cameras at the ready the photo would have been much closer. By the time we scrabbled to the car it had gained a lot of height. So much that I fluffed my photos and need to thank Roger for this one...
All in all a good day out. Shame we couldn't find any Beautiful Demoiselles though, but there's always next time...
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Great pictures. Really enjoying this blog - would you mind if I posted a link to it from mine?
i think i missed out.
Not at all Jon....Cheers
I know you don't want to give away the locality but did you see any Ford Anglia's or Morris 1100's together with the sound of Gerry and the pacemakers?
Yes! Dipped on Nick Berry though.
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